Cameron R. O'Neal | Graphic Designer

Continuum Advisory LLC



Continuum Advisory LLC
Logo | Stationary Suite | Website

Continuum Advisory is a financial advisor company that launched in 2017. Continuum was my first big “freelance” job. I was still in college when I began having phone conferences with the owners talking about their visions and ideas for the company.

Logo Design
“We have three companies combining into one” was how they described the image they were trying to portray in the logo. Creating a sense of fluidity between the three companies merging to form one, I used shape aspects of a DNA strand showing three lines (representing the three companies). The three lines surround the company name and then form one line, creating the visual representation they were looking for.


After establishing their logo and color palette, I was able to create their companies stationary suite (business cards, letterhead) as well as create their website. It was great bringing a new companies visions to life.
